Education & Learning

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Education & Learning

  1. Ex Dip in Supervisory Management 
  2. Ex Dip in Corporate Leadership
  3. Ex Dip in Property Sales Management
  4. Ex Dip in Administrative Management
  5. Ex Dip Office Administration
  6. Ex Diploma in Corporate Management

Certified Human Resource Professional (CHRP) Modules.

  1. Human Resource Management: Gaining a competitive advantage
  2. Strategic Human Resource Management
  3. The Analysis and Design of Work
  4. Human Resources planning and Recruitment
  5. Training
  6. Performance Management
  7. Employee Development
  8. Pay Structure Decisions
  9. Recognizing Employee Contributions with Pay
  10. Managing Human Resources Globally
  11. Strategically Managing the HR Function

Certified Professional Manager (CPM) Modules.

  1. Self-Management
  2. Management of Human Resources
  3. Management of Financial Resources
  4. Management of Planning, Decision Making, and Strategy
  5. Management of Information Resources