Author: rahat

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5 Ways How A Great Coach Guides You To Success

The evolution of technology has enabled us to learn anything under the sun within seconds. One simple search in Google

Is Leadership an Inborn Trait or a Learnable Skill?

Imagine someone that has made a difference in your life. It could be an inspiring speaker, a singer that composes

3 Ways to Sell Yourself in Interviews Without Sounding Too Salesy

Does the word “sell yourself in interviews” give you an anxiety attack? If so, you may have an incorrect perception

3 Reasons Why Network Is Crucial for Personal Growth

Networking may feel uncomfortable and stressful for some people, especially for introverts. The conversation may run out of topics, leaving

How to Set Goals the Right Way?

Architects need a blueprint to build a house. Entrepreneurs need a business plan to run their businesses. Scientists need a

Why Communication Skills Are Important For Your Career Success?

You need to communicate with other people no matter what your job is. There is really no way around it.